Scientific Student Conference 2022

What is the ELLS Scientific Student Conference?

The ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2022 will take place on the 23rd and 24th of September.

Every year, the Euroleague for Life Sciences invites students from ELLS and ELLS-partner universities to participate in the Scientific Student Conference (SSC). This year's main theme is The Interconnectedness of Things: A Path Towards Sustainable Solutions. The two-day frame of the SSC is an excellent opportunity for students to feel the flair of a scientific conference and get to know many different people - students and teachers - from various fields and universities. Students can either present their scientific work in the form of a poster session or an oral session. Within the poster sessions, students will present their work as a poster. In the oral session, students will give a presentation and answer questions about their research. Students will get constructive feedback on their presentation and work from peers and experts and might even win a prize.

What are the Subthemes of the Scientific Student Conference 2022?

Who can submit an abstract and how does it work?

Step 1: Pre-Register and Submit your abstract – Abstract Submission from April to mid-May 2022. We invite you to submit your abstract before May 31, 2022 (extended deadline). The best abstracts will be chosen and those students will be allowed to present their research in an oral presentation or poster presentation, including a poster pitch.

Step 2: Abstract review. All the submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee (scientists from the ELLS member universities) in June 2022. Authors will be notified at the end of June whether their abstract has been accepted. Notification of the final assignment (oral presentation or poster presentation) will follow.

Step 3: Confirm your attendance as a presenter or audience member by the end of July. You will be addressed by the conference team in July to confirm your attendance either as a presenter or audience member and register your time of arrival, accommodation preference and food diet. The deadline to confirm your attendance is by the end of July. If you did not submit an abstract or if your abstract was rejected you may also participate as an audience member.

Instructions for Abstract Submission

The deadline for abstract submission is extended to May 31, 2022.

Please read this instruction very carefully before you submit your abstract.

  1. Go to the Pre-Registration page and click on REGISTER.
  2. Fill in the form.
  3. Go to your inbox to confirm your email.
  4. Go to your inbox again to retrieve your login and password.
  5. Go back to the Pre-Registration page to login and change your password.
  6. Submit your Abstract according to the instructions on the Pre-Registration page.

Who ELLS can participate?

Any other practical information?

Student testimonial Listen to a podcast episode of a former participant.

Participation fee: The SSC is free of charge. The winning oral and poster presentations per subtheme will receive prize money.

Conference programme: The official programme will start on Friday, the 23rd of September, at 14:00 and end on Saturday, the 24th of September around 16:00.

Accommodation information: The conference will be in person at the premises of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. Students will have the possibility to be accommodated at the CZU campus from Thursday (check-in) to Sunday (check-out). Detailed information about the accommodation possibilities will be sent directly to registered participants by email.

Contact: For any questions, feel free to contact the ELLS 2022 conference team at: 

We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague!

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