Scientific Student Conference 2017

Global Challenges - The Impact of Life Science

17 - 18 November 2017, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



We are increasingly facing challenges at a global scale, both in terms of causes and the subsequent need for solutions.Collaboration and knowledge production across borders and academic subject areas is necessary to examine and develop answers to some of the most pressing issues of our time - the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment; the quality, production levels, sustainability and safety of our food supply; and the need for an innovative and entrepreneurial approach.

The aim of this conference is to encourage you as students within the biosciences to engage with one another, and allow you the chance to disseminate your own research related to the headline and the three subthemes elaborated below.

Subthemes for the Scientific Student Conference

Global Health - Humans, Animals, Plants and Environment

 Food - Quality, Production and Safety

Collaboration in Life Sciences - Enabling Innovation and Entrepreneurship


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