Scientific Student Conference 2019

Managing Broad Environmental Interests in a Sustainable World


 Uppsala, SLU, Sweden    15 & 16 November 2019


The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) and SLU invite all students from ELLS universities to join the ELLS Scientific Student Conference at SLU Uppsala, Campus Ultuna. 

Subthemes of the Scientific Student Conference:

  • The future use of natural resources
  • Green entrepreneurship
  • Solutions for an urban ecosystem
  • Innovations in the food chain


How to Participate:

Step 1: Submit your abstract

The deadline for the submission of abstract has been extended to 30 June 2019. The best abstracts will be chosen and those students will be given the opportunity to present their research in an oral presentation or poster presentation, including a poster pitch.

Step 2: Abstract review

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee (scientists from ELLS member Universities) in July-August 2019. Authors will be notified in the beginning of September whether their abstract has been accepted. Notification of final assignment (oral presentation or poster presentation) will follow in due course.

Step 3: Registration for the conference

After confirmation of your participation you have to register for the conference via the website of the SSC. Registration will open in September. If you did not submit an abstract or if your abstract was rejected you may also participate as an audience member.

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