Scientific Student Conference 2016

Bio-Based Economy for a Sustainable Future

11-12 November 2016, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

We would like to thank all students, staff members and teachers form ELLS member and partner universities for participating in the ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2016 at the university of Hohennheim, Germany.

More that 350 participants exchanged ideas and presented their research results on "Bio-Based Economy for a Sustainable Future".

Students from the member universities and from international partners of the Euroleague for Life Sciences gave a total of 48 oral and 65 poster presentations.

The best three oral presentations in each subtheme and the best poster in each poster session were awarded the ELLS Student Presentation Prize. For more information proceed here.



Bioeconomy Video


The bioeconomy or bio-based economy is a new model for industry and economy that is seen as a chance to switch from an economy based on the use of fossil raw materials to a new, innovative and sustainable economy based on biogenic resources.

A bio-based economy will reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and help us to meet some of the major challenges that humankind is facing in the beginning of this century: Securing global nutrition, developing bio-based energy carriers, protecting the climate and the environment and conserving biological diversity.

Bioeconomy includes all economic sectors which use biological resources such as plants, animals, and micro-organisms. Agriculture, forestry, the food industry, but also parts of the chemical, energy, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and textile industries are part of bioeconomy. The term “bioeconomics” designates a type of economics that is knowledge-based, innovative, and sustainable. The topics of adequate food supply and a balanced diet are part of bioeconomy.

Bioeconomy is a broad field and requires interdisciplinary expertise in addition to the disciplinary approach. Agricultural, natural, business, economic, and social sciences work on all facets of Bioeconomy. In this way, a holistic approach is created that includes the entire value chain.

The subtopics for the ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2016 reflect the trans- and interdisciplinary way of thinking that is needed for this new economic model. Bachelor and Master students of ELLS universities are invited to submit abstracts of their research projects or thesis that address any of the following thematic questions:

  1. Securing worldwide food supply
  2. Producing healthful and safe food
  3. Improving efficient and sustainable agricultural production
  4. Novel energy carriers based on biomass
  5. Advances in biotechnology
  6. Developing renewable resources industrially
  7. Managing climate and environment
  8. Animal genomics, animal health and animal welfare
  9. Social and economic dimensions of bioeconomy
  10. Other aspects of bioeconomy

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