Scientific Student Conference 2013

Sustainability Challenge - Technological advancements and other solutions

„Sustainability Challenge - Technological advancements and other solutions“ was the topic of the Scientific Student Conference. About 330 international and BOKU students and experts discussed different aspects of sustainability in three subthemes. High level keynote speakers - Franz Fischler, former EU commissioner, Helga Kromp-Kolb, and Thomas Rosenau - provided a stimulating introduction to the core issues.

During the conference students from all seven member universities and also from a new international partner of the Euroleague for Life Sciences gave a total of 59 oral and 90 poster presentations. The best three oral and poster presentations in each subtheme were awarded the ELLS Distinguished Fellowship at the closing ceremony (1st prize oral: € 500, 1st prize poster: € 200). In addition, the graduates of the ELLS joint master programmes 2012/13 were honoured and the ELLS prizes for the best master theses were awarded.

Sustainability was not only the topic of the conference but also underlying principle. The conference received the label S„Ökoevent“ as an ecologically organized conference.

We hope that all participants – experts and students – enjoyed the conference and take back home many new friendships, experiences and inspirations!

Impressions of the Scientific Student Conference on youtube:

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