Support teams

Support teams deal with horizontal topics that are related to the aims of the Euroleague for Life Sciences such as legal aspects, quality assurance, e-learning, student mobility, etc. The mandate of the support group is to develop and implement concepts for the achievement of the common purpose of ELLS and to support and facilitate the work of the Subject Areas and the Task Force. The teams should consist of at least one member of each ELLS university and one member of ELSA.

At the moment the following support teams are in process:


 Support Teams Coordinating University Coordinator E-Mail
International Relations Officers (IRO) CZU Ondřej Votinský

E-Learning BOKU Claus Rainer Michalek

Quality Assurance


Sebastian Bopper

Research Support Offices (RSO) SLU Caroline Grabbe

Marketing & Communication CZU Mikulas Josek

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