3-day ELLS student workshop in collaboration with NewClim project for 15 MSc and PhD students, with an international meeting of the ONEOVITI consortium in Vienna at BOKU in May 2025. OENOVITI international, is a network of 70 academic and industrial partners to support joint initiatives in vine and wine research and training.
Background of Summer School / Introduction
The summer school is an introduction to the exploration of biodiversity within perennial fruit crops, including grapevine, to address climate change. Concepts and phenotyping techniques for evaluating plant and fruit acclimation to abiotic constraints will be covered. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to attend the OENOVITI International Meeting for one day on the theme, “Sustainability and Socioeconomic Aspects of Viticulture and Winemaking in a Changing Climate,” and to interact with academic and professional experts during planned sessions.
Hosting University
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien (22. and 23. May)
Konrad Lorenz Straße 24, 3430Tulln an der Donau (21. May)
Sowinetzgasse 1, 1210 Wien (23. May)
21 - 23 May 2025
Max. 20; Priority will be given to students from ELLS Universities
Previous Knowledge
General Knowledge on Plant Physiology
Course Content
- Breeding strategies and genetic diversity in fruit crops to face climate changes
- Concepts and phenotyping methods to address fruit crop responses to abiotic constraints
- Innovative sustainable cropping systems for fruit safety and quality
Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)
After completing the course, the participants should be able to …
- Value the genetic diversity of fruit crop species
- Get a holistic overview the acclimation processes in fruit crops
- Identify challenges to implementing agroecological transition of fruit crops
- Know how to handle phenotyping tools
- Know how to interpret digitalized data of plant physiology
- Improve their English
- Synthesize newly acquired information and present it in written and oral form
- Work in an interdisciplinary and international team
Course Schedule
Beginning of May: Online Meeting – get to know each other
Tu 20 May: Individual arrival
Wed 21 May: Workshop Phenotyping, UFT Tulln
Thu 22 May: OENOViti Meeting Talks, BOKU Vienna
Fri 23 May: Workshop Fruit growing, Orchard Jedlersdorf. Field Trip & Party
Sat 24 May: Individual departure
Course Language
Course Format / Teaching Methods
• Lectures and World coffee presentations
• Practice sessions
• International seminar
• Field visits
• Poster to be presented orally
ECTS Credits and Workload Overview
All students enrolled in BOKU could register for 958008 Robert Schlumberger Lectures (0.5 ECTS).
International students will receive a certificate of attendance.
Number of Credits [ECTS] | 0,5 |
TOTAL Workload [hours] | 25 |
Student's own work [hours] | 4 |
Contact classes [hours] | 21 |
Exam [hours] | 0 |
Type of Assessment and Assessment Criteria
• Attendance and engaged participation during the lectures, practices, seminars and excursions
• Poster preparation and presentation in groups to the teachers.
Cultural Activities / Social Program
- Welcome coffee
- BOKU wine party
Tuition Fees
No tuition fees
Additional Costs
Included: lunches Wed-Frid, coffee breaks, BOKU Wine Party and transports for field trips during the 3-day workshop.
Not-Included: travel expenses, housing, breakfast and dinners
Accommodation needs to be booked and organized by the students individually. Ac-commodation costs are not covered by the Summer School. Please be aware that early booking may be necessary.
Here you find useful information including links for Hostels in Vienna (Look Accommo-dation)
Health Insurance
Participants are responsible for an adequate health insurance during their participation in the program
If support letters are needed, contact the administrative contact person below
Application Deadline
Deadline for application 21 March 2025 via the application form
Link to online Application form
Contact persons for scientific questions
Michaela Griesser, michaela.griesser@boku.ac.at
Anne Pellegrino, anne.pellegrino@institut-agro.fr
Contact person for administrative questions
Your local office of International Relations
Specific questions related to the workshop: Michaela Griesser, michaela.griesser@boku.ac.at