RE-ENFORCE: Emerging Genetic-Engineering Technologies For Crop Resilience

Background of Summer School / Introduction

Among the greatest challenges that humanity is facing is to meet the food demand for a rapid increase in global population, estimated to exceed 9 billion by 2050. Meanwhile, climate changes negatively impact crop production as well as water and land availability for agriculture, along with allowing pathogens spreading.
One component for ensuring food availability and security is safeguarding crop yields and/or reducing crop losses (20–40%) to pests and diseases. Thus, sustainable yield increase, diminishing usage of chemicals and toxic compounds, enhancing crop resilience to biotic and abiotic stress and improving nutritional and healthiness values represent the main, concomitant, targets to be pursued in agriculture in the shortest period.
Genetic variability is the basis to discover new beneficial traits and results from mutations that have occurred in genomes, either naturally or induced. Plant breeders have used mutagenesis intensively to produce varieties that have been released worldwide for commercial use.
The last decades have been full of new discoveries in plant biotechnology, which are more and more used by plant scientists and breeders since they can shorten the time of obtaining improved crops. New genomic techniques (NGTs), enabling precise, targeted, and reliable changes in the genome, are rapidly emerging as important advanced tools in genomic research and for application in crop trait improvement. These methods are making possible the genetic engineering of plants for complex quantitative traits such as yield, disease resistance, and production of important secondary products such as flavors, fragrances, and pharmaceuticals.

Hosting University

University of Tuscia, Department of Agriculture and Forest Sciences


Via San Camillo de Lellis - Viterbo, Italy


7th - 11th July 2025


Max. 28 students
Priority will be given to students from ELLS Universities. However, in the event of available slots, non-ELLS students will also be considered.

Previous Knowledge

PhD and MSc students in plant breeding, plant biotechnology and plant sciences with basic knowledge in genetics, plant breeding and statistics.

Course Content

In the RE-ENFORCE Summer School, experts belonging to the organizing European institutions, among the best rated in agri-food research, will provide attending students with advanced knowledge and ‘know-how’ on innovative genetic-engineering technologies as well as with examples of their application in agriculture. Students will attend more than 16 lectures and will be involved in hands-on laboratory biotech activities every day.

Lectures will focus on i) structure, organization, and expression of genes; ii) from genes to traits; iii) genetic-engineering opportunities in crop sciences; iv) agri-food research; v) climate-resilient crops and food security.
Lab activities will focus on i) gene isolation, transfer and expression; ii) plasmids as vectors; iii) heterologous transient gene expression; iv) reporter gene assays; v) protein detection by western blotting; vi) in vivo protein localization by confocal microscopy.

Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)

1. Learning beyond the curriculum
Attending the summer school provides the students with the opportunity to i) delve deeper into academic subjects beyond the limitations of the regular school curriculum; ii) acquire advanced knowledge and develop a broader understanding of genetic-engineering technologies; iii) nurture their passion for the subject and iv) satisfy their desire to learn more.
2. Exploring subjects not traditionally taught at school
Our summer school allows students to explore subjects that are not commonly taught in schools and Universities. Exposure to these subjects whilst attending an international summer school can also help students to make more informed academic and career decisions.
3. Personalized attention and guidance
Our international summer schools will provide a small class size - 28 students - allowing for more personalized attention and support from expert instructors.
4. Preparing for high education level study
Attending our international summer school can help students to prepare for the challenges of high education-level study. By providing a safe and low-risk environment to experience new ways of working and collaborating, our summer school can help students to develop vital academic skills that are sometimes overlooked, such as critical thinking, research, and time management. At the University of Tuscia, we encourage students to practice active thinking and engage critically with their studies, alongside collaborating with peers, setting them up for success at university or within their future career.
5. Building confidence and independence
Attending students will learn to build confidence and independence. Our international summer school can contribute to building self-belief and trust in student academic abilities and pursuits, allowing them to succeed (and learn from their mistakes) in a supportive learning environment.

Course Schedule

In presence 16 lectures (4 each day from 8th to 11th July) - 20 hours of student work.

Course Language


Course Format / Teaching Methods

Lectures, lab activities and hands-on practical work, visits and social interaction are organized to 1) give enough time to digest concepts 2) to learn by doing practical things, 3) to promote social interaction through fun interaction and encouragement to communicate within and between groups. Active pedagogy will be intensely used, encouraging resolving challenges by the students themselves.


ECTS Credits and Workload Overview

Number of Credits [ECTS] 3
TOTAL Workload [hours] n/a
Student's own work [hours] 20
Contact classes [hours] n/a
Exam [hours] 2

Type of Assessment and Assessment Criteria

Assessment of course participants will be based on coursework and a final presentation to students' peers.
Course week - attendance and engaged participation during the classes, the excursions, classroom lectures, and laboratory classes group work.
Power point presentation prepared in groups and graded by the scientific committee.
Multiple choice test at the end of the course

Cultural Activities / Social Program

Welcome reception
Closure dinner and party

Tuition Fees

No tuition fees

Additional Costs

2 group dinners, lunches and coffee breaks are included, to foster a sense of community and shared experiences. However, travel expenses, housing, breakfast and the other dinners are not included.


Students will be provided with information for accommodation but need to book rooms individually.

Health Insurance

Participants are responsible for an adequate health insurance during their participation in the programme.


If support letters are needed, contact the administrative contact person below.

Application Deadline

Extended deadline for application 3 May 2024

Link to online Application form

(Will be added soon)

Erasmus Scholarship Opportunity

The summer school is structured as a comprehensive Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP). If interested, you can inquire with your Erasmus coordinator or the ELLS IRO about the possibility of obtaining an Erasmus scholarship for the Blended Intensive Programme.

Contact persons for scientific questions

Daniel Savatin, 
Hermann Buerstmayr, 

Contact person for administrative questions

Daniel Savatin, 

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