Explore Your Eco

Explore the living, cultural, eco-tourism, biodiversity and recreation landscapes of a Geopark located near Konitsa, in northwest Greece close to Albania. A combination of 9 days online learning and 7 days of field excursion to Konitsa in northwest Greece. The educational team of the ELLS Subject Area Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning under the direction of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague working in partnership with the Greek NGO – Trace Your Eco, are developing this unique interpretative program to learn about the ecological systems present to this region of Greece. 

Background of Summer School / Introduction

For this Summer School entitled Explore Your Eco, we have selected the exciting location of Konitsa and the Vikos-Aou Geopark, in northwest Greece. It is about 270 km from metropolitan city of Thessaloniki, and 10 km from the border with Albania. Konitsa is close to the town of Loannina in Epirus, Greece. The town was built in the shape of an amphitheater in the valley where the river Aoos meets the river Voidomatis.

This Summer School for 2025 aims to investigate how each of these dynamic landscape characteristics – topography, river valleys, and cultural history are managed and how each relate to the land and the people who inhabited this area today, with particular emphasis on eco-tourism experiences, ancient history and modern-day culture of this unique region of Greece.

Hosting University

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, CZU


Konitsa and the Vikos-Aou Geopark, located in the northwest region of Greece


June 24 – 30, 2025 Field Workshop and 7+ days of online preparation prior to the Summer School Field Workshop


Students should be ready to enter their final year of bachelor study or have complete their first year of graduate studies. Trans-disciplinary teams with students of various disciplinary studies from various parts of the world and part of the ELLS partner network are encouraged to apply. PhD students are also encouraged to participate.

Due to the limited budget and the available onsite accommodations, enrollment will be limited to 12 students.

Previous Knowledge

Applicants must submit a statement of motivation for why they wish to participate in this unique and dynamic summer school program and respond to specific questions related to their academic background, research objectives, and particular qualifications. Some basic skills in site analysis, outdoor recreation, ecotourism, landscape architecture, etc., are recommended.

Course Content

The main objective for this summer school is to design eco-tourism trails and propose program areas that focus upon archaeology, history, biodiversity, and sustainable design elements such as:

  • Indication of the location of interpretive educational and directional signage;
  • Marking of selected paths and elements necessary to create an interactive, physically safe route for people with different needs;
  • Inventory, analysis, and interpretation of biodiversity elements; and
  • Inventory, identification of key viewpoints or view corridors.

This Summer School program will offer students the opportunity to explore each and consequences evident in the living, cultural, and economic environments; impacts to the land; and, contribution to the local recreation and tourism market. Specifically, students will learn how to develop strategies for ecotourism experiences for visitors, and with that how to best market the experience and product for visitors in the future. As part of this summer school, there will be a field excursion to Greece conducted from June 24-30, 2025 which follows approximately 7-8 days of online self-preparatory teaching with participation by instructors from ELLS and the sub-ject area group Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning.

Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)

- Students will experience working collaboratively in a multidisciplinary team including both students and experts of different disciplines, cultural backgrounds, and the partner ELLS Universities.
- Students will conduct intensive on-site research to explore and document physical, social and environmental characteristics of the study area in the Geo-Park, trails, and eco-tourism development for visitors.
- Students will identify factors of change in the relationship between people, place, commerce, and environment.

Students will be trained in how to identify the specific measurement of length (in meters) of each distinct intervention, and in the end prepare a plan with point-positions noted and recommended work or restoration of a selected part of the trail, mainly from branches or trail surface formation, or a small pilot intervention.

Students will specify locations for interpretive educational and directional signage and will mark some selected paths. Biodiversity will be interpreted on selected trail routes; mainly identifying trees and shrubs and selecting some (the most distinctive or emblematic). Important viewpoints or corridors will be identified and proposals to highlight each with interpretive signage. Design-ing a tour route in areas of archaeological interest such as the connection of the location that contains the archaeological site on Liatovouniou Hill will be made. Students will research and make recommendations regarding the future potential visitation opportunities of the area, specific to the distinct local products, such as melons, peaches and vine fruit.

As mentioned above, the student will be guided in how to measure the length (in meters) of each proposed intervention within the GeoPark, resulting in a plan with point-positions identified and recommended work or restoration of a selected part of a trail, including proposals for trail surface construction, as well as small prototype interventions.

The students, under the guidance of the instructors, and depending on the student’s specializa-tion in school, will be divided into groups and will deal with various topics, such as:

GPS recording of paths and marking on a map points where interventions are proposed, such as:

  • construction of stabilizing walls
  • construction of stairs
  • protective railing
  • interpretive and educational signage or wayfinding
  • removal of loose stones
  • removal of dead or invasive vegetation
  • removal of branches that obstruct the trail route
  • formation of path surfaces, etc.

Students will specify locations for interpretive educational and directional signage and will mark some selected paths. Biodiversity will be interpreted on selected trail routes; mainly identifying trees and shrubs and selecting some (the most distinctive or emblematic).

Important viewpoints or corridors will be identified and proposals to highlight each with interpre-tive signage.

Designing a tour route in areas of archaeological interest such as the connection of the location that contains the archaeological site on Liatovouniou Hill will be made.

Students will research and make recommendations regarding the future potential visitation op-portunities of the area specific to the distinct local products, such as melons, peaches and vine fruit.

Course Schedule

February 2025: Course announcement and call for student applications
May 1, 2025: Deadline for applicants
June mid 2025: Online self-preparatory with participation by ELLS LASP instructors
June 24-30, 2025: Field workshop / summer school in Greece

Course Language


Course Format / Teaching Methods

The educational team under the direction of the Czech University of Life Sciences working in partnership with the Greek NGO – Trace Your Eco, along with other ELLS LASP members have developed this unique interpretative summer school program to learn about the unique ecological systems present to this region of Greece. Opportunities will be explored for how a visitor can learn about the natural environment, and with that the distinctive ecology of this region in northern Greece, along with the human settlement pattern. Opportunities for environmental education through hands-on involvement into the planning and interpretation of recreational trails will be identified. Specifically, the summer school program aims to identify, map, and mark a new network of non-motorized hiking and biking trails for this region, all based on field inventory and assessment.


ECTS Credits and Workload Overview

Number of Credits [ECTS] 7,5
TOTAL Workload [hours] 80 estimated
Student's own work [hours] 20 estimated
Contact classes [hours] 10-12 online contact hours + 40 hours in the field
Exam [hours] x

Type of Assessment and Assessment Criteria

Active and successful participation in all online training and lectures prior to the field excursion.

Active and collaborative teamwork in Greece in preparing many recommended site interventions and improvements to selected areas of the GeoPark.

Cultural Activities / Social Program

We will be working with and living with each other in accommodations provided by our host, the municipality of Konista, Greece. One or more meals a day will be provided, however students will be responsible for one or more meals a day on their own. Activities will include group social activities, dinners, and exploring the local culture of the region.

Tuition Fees

No tuition fees apply, however active status as a student in an ELLS member school is required.

Additional Costs

Each student will receive 400 Euro for travel to and from the summer school location (local air-port is Ioannian National Airport IOA, Greece). Each student will receive 25 Euro per day x 7 days for additional food costs. A total scholarship of 575 Euro per student will be awarded. Successful applicants are encouraged to apply for any additional travel and food expenses from their home university.


Our host, the municipality of Konista, Greece will accommodate students and professors at a local pension. One or more meals a day will be provided; likely breakfast.

Health Insurance

Each student must provide certification of their own health insurance valid for EU countries such a Greece. Typically, the insurance required by your home-university should be applicable. However, if it does not apply outside of your home university country, you must provide addi-tional coverage for the duration of the stay in Greece.


A valid passport and visa applicable to EU countries will be required. You will be entering Greece within the EU as student / tourist for the 7 days in the field.

Application Deadline

May 1, 2025

Link to online Application form


Contact persons for scientific questions

Doc. Peter Kumble, MLA, PhD. Associate Professor, Department of Landscape and Urban Planning, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, CZU, kumblep@fzp.czu.cz 

Contact person for administrative questions

Helena Prošková, Administrative Manager, Department of Landscape and Urban Planning, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, CZU, proskovah@fzp.czu.cz 

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