Systems Analysis and Design of Agri-food Systems in a Changing Climate

The agri-food sector is key to tackling global challenges like food security, sustainability, and climate change. Rapid population growth, urbanization, and changing consumption patterns are stressing agri-food systems, affecting their ability to provide nutritious food and maintain environmental health. These systems also face issues like extreme weather, land degradation, and biodiversity loss, requiring a holistic, sustainable approach.

ELLS aims to address these challenges by training students to become "change agents" with a systemic approach. This program will help students connect and apply their knowledge to real-world problems, enhancing their skills and employability.

Key Goals:

  • Promote student mobility and international collaboration for diverse perspectives.
  • Encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable agri-food systems.
  • Develop skills in system analysis, scenario-based planning, and multi-criteria analysis.
  • Foster partnerships with industry for internships and networking opportunities.

This enhances education and career prospects for ELLS students, aligning with job market demands and global challenges.

Coordinating University: WUR


Contact Information

University Name E-Mail
WUR Katrien Descheemaeker
AGRO Jacques Wery
SLU Marcos Lana
UHOH Sabine Zikeli
BOKU Stefanie Lemke
EMÜ Evelin Loit-Harro
UNITUS Mauro Maesano

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