Economics and Management

Economics, management and social sciences have an important place within the structures of education and research of ELLS universities. So it is beneficial to join individual experience of universities and their achievements under a common subject area. It uses the synergy of all participants. The orientation of this subject area is closely related to the European dimension of rural development. It is because of two pillars of Common Agricultural Policy. However, although there is the European dimension of rural development, it is not possible to speak about “common European countryside” but rather about “various European country-sides”. Such diversity of European rural areas is a great challenge for this subject area because  it necessitates creativity in establishing the relations between national specificities of rural areas and common European dimension of rural development. It is the way in which this subject area supports the ambition of ELLS to spread ahead the European Education and Research Area. National rural areas can be a sort of laboratory for future development as for the challenges of the contemporary world. Because the countryside and its main activity – farming – are closely linked with life sciences, in order to make these activities sustainable it is necessary to “dress” them into economic and social context. In such a view, this subject area can push forward the education in ELLS toward higher integration reflecting the principles of sustainable development.

Main objectives

  • To provide the students the possibility to participate in the intensive programmes of the summer school type addressing the application of courses from their home universities in the rural development viewed from international prospects and in interdisciplinary dimensions.
  • To highlight rural development in interdisciplinary views
  • To bring students and teachers from various countries and fields related to economics, management, and social sciences together in order to promote and exchange their knowledge, to improve the quality of their work (incl. degree thesis) and to test their skills while practising development projects.


Summer Schools Information

Think Camp Rural Development: adressing current economic, enviromental and social challenges
08 - 12 July 2024
Czech University of Life Science, Prague, Czech Republic

More information...


Coordinating University: CZU 


Contact Information

University Name E-Mail
BOKU Hans Karl Wytrzens
WUR Rico Ihle


Karel Tomsik

Pavel Kotyza 


Agnieszka Parlinska

Ewa Stawicka


Ramona Weinrich

Claudia Bieling

HUJI Aliza Fleischer
NMBU Thore Larsgard

Vivian Wei Huang

UGent Guido Van Huylenbroeck
EMÜ Anne Poder
UNITUS Anna Carbone

UdL Laura Salamero Teixido 

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